Thursday, March 16, 2017

Roasted and Toasted (Blog #4)

I cannot begin to explain what has happened within the past 24 hours. This week baseball started for the high school. So my schedule has not been regular ever since. Also we go 11-18 inches of snow. Actually it was more like 4, but we still got to miss school. This week I did some research on the culture of my ancestors to learn about what foods they cooked. So I googled Scottish foods, quickly I realized that the Scottish were not good at making food so I googled the other side of my family. When I went through Irish foods I stumbled upon a topic I don't think I've ever heard of in any history class (do you guys smell sarcasm?).
(Can you guess from this picture???)

Yup that's right, I researched the Irish potato famine. This was so devastating because the Irish depended on potatoes for their source of carbohydrates, which is basically the fuel for our bodies. And without these necessary carbs, it is easy to see why losing potatoes destroyed Ireland. This event took place between 1845 and 1852, it caused the population to fall by an astounding 20-25%.  I could never imagine that many people dying, at least 2 people in my immediate family would have died.

After I researched a little more about the potato famine, I tried to find some Irish foods and recipes. I found instead an easy way to get click-bait. "51 easy to make recipes" or "You'll fall in love with our 8th dish," you know, the stupid websites that I never fall for. Sidenote: the 8th dish wasn't even that good. So, I figured that after all of this research on the Irish foods I'm probably just going to be preparing some Italian meals. 

Are you wondering what I was talking about with "the past 24 hours" well that's a little bit of a surprise. But just to let you in on the secret, I was in the kitchen until about 12:00 A.M. and here's a picture from the horrific night.


  1. the Irish potato famine was indeed a bad thing. I was wondering, what Italian foods were you thinking of cooking? and why did you stray away from Irish foods so quickly.

  2. Beware clickbait. At least you didn't get skin care click baits. It looks similar to things you probably should not be viewing at school. Also, if it tells you to go to a certain section of a link, its click bait, and loaded with ad-ware

  3. Were you able to find and Irish dishes to cook?
